10 Ways To Use Facebook Live


With around 100 million hours of video watched daily, it’s no surprise that Facebook live video has become a dominant force in today’s social media world. Live streaming from your Facebook business page is a great opportunity for your company to put a face with your brand and to humanize your company. Also, live video is more appealing to brand audiences: 80% would rather watch live video from a brand than read a blog, and 82% prefer live video from a brand rather than social posts.

With these statistics in mind, including live video into your social media strategy will help you grow your audience and increase engagement with your current followers.  We know not everyone is comfortable using live video. I can barely speak in front of a small group nonetheless speak on LIVE video streaming to a potentially ginormous audience (scary!) on our Facebook page, but if you have a plan in place and practice a few times, you’ll get the hang of live video in no time.

Here are a few ways you can use Facebook Live to help get the ball rolling on your live video journey:

1. Host live webinars

Hosting a webinar is a great way for your business to showcase its expertise. After the webinar is over, you can post the link for people to watch after the event is over.

2. Host Q&A sessions

Interacting with your followers on a one-on-one basis allows you to create relationships.  Let your followers know the day and time you’ll be holding a Facebook Live Q&A so they can be sure to be online during that time to ask you any questions they may have.

3. Behind the scenes

Your followers want to get to know your brand on a deeper level. You could do a Facebook Live tour of your office or use this as an opportunity to introduce some of the people behind the brand. It’s important to humanize your brand to develop trust with your followers.

4. Customer service

In the social world we live in today, people go to their social platforms to resolve any issues they have. I’ve used social media countless times to communicate both dissatisfaction and satisfaction with a brand. Facebook Live is a great way to address any comments you’ve received. It’s also a great way to address numerous people at once who may be having the same issue.

5. Promote upcoming events

Facebook Live is a quick and easy way to tell your audience about any upcoming events they should be aware of. It’s an easy way to express your excitement and pump up the anticipation for the event.

6. Discuss trending topics

It’s a lot easier to get a message out to your audience on Facebook Live than it is to sit down and write a blog post. Yes, you still need to think about what you’re going to say before you say it, but it doesn’t take nearly as much time as it would to write a post. Have a weekly time set to discuss things that happened over the past week or to talk about current trends.

7. Live online classes

Similar to webinars, hosting a live online class is a great way to interact with your followers and you can also post the link to your class to be used at a later date.

8. Broadcast live events

Take your audience with you (via Facebook Live) when you go to a cool conference and allow them to see what a ‘day in the life’ really looks like.

9. Interviews with special guests

There’s no doubt there is value in influencer marketing. Invite a special guest to have an interview with you on Facebook Live. You’ll not only be able to promote it on your social channels but you can also ask the person being interviewed to share the day and time of the Facebook Live as well. This is a great opportunity to tap into an audience you might not have had access to.

10. Demonstrations of new products

Live streaming a demonstration of a new product provides viewers a detailed look at the product and how to use it. If you have a service based product, you could do a live stream showing your audience what you do and how you do it. Perhaps you own a hair salon – do a live stream showing people what tools you use or what new technique you’ve recently learned.

Customer engagement and connection is key to the success of any kind of business, and Facebook Live may help that relationship along. How do you use Facebook Live to develop your business? Let us know!  


Written by Briana Manrique | Communications Associate

At Ruiz Strategies we are passionate about working with our private sector clients and government customers to help them effectively tell their unique story. We help clients communicate, engage and build relationships with the people that matter most.